On-demand webinar
Employers across the UK are having to make wrenching decisions. For some it may be re-gearing their workforce to work from home and adjusting systems to retain productivity. Others may face laying off staff on unpaid leave or even making some redundant. And of course, as orders dry up, some companies face collapse.
Throughout all this painful disruption runs the thread of humanity.
How do employers manage the physical, emotional and financial dislocation that the CoronaVirus is creating in their workforce? This webinar from The Manufacturer seeks to offer guidance and solutions, and answer the following key questions:
Webinar Speakers:
Fiona Anderson runs Valuing You, a consultancy that specialises in bringing out the best in workforces, improving individual performance and productivity, all informed by deep emotional intelligence.
Bob Gibbon runs The Performance Learning Company, working with companies to harmonise advances in technology with workforces, to maximise the benefit of both.
Together with The Manufacturer’s editorial director, Nick Peters, the speakers will be offering valuable insights and learning to manufacturers who are struggling to cope with the unprecedented pressure being applied to their business - and their people.
George has over 30 years’ experience working alongside manufacturing organisations across the UK, Europe and North America. His a strong blue chip background enables him to work with clients to help solve their business challenges by applying technology and change transformations with particular focus on category management, data warehousing, financial/management accounting, asset maintenance, IT strategy and architecture, customer/product profitability, service management, supply chain, and e-business solutions.
Nick is responsible for overseeing Hennik’s developing array of content, bringing to the role decades of experience in business and journalism. In his career, he has been a foreign correspondent for national TV, radio and newspapers, as well as founding and operating business magazines.
Author details here
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